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World Trade Center - Mexico City - CDMX
October 22nd to 24th, 2025

InfoComm Latin America
World Trade Center - Mexico City - CDMX
October 22 to 24, 2025

Manufacturer Training

Manufacturer Training

Manufacturers' training sessions are a valuable educational resource on the subject you know best: your audiovisual products.

Organize a one- or two-hour session, with content that is completely purposeful and driven by your company. This is an unbeatable opportunity to connect with your customers and provide them with the resources they need to ensure they are using your audiovisual products to the best of their abilities, increasing customer satisfaction and reducing potential service calls.

Your session will be promoted as part of the InfoComm Latin America 2025 educational program and will be clearly identified as a session focused on product training.

Learn more and apply to be part of the manufacturer training program at InfoComm Latin America 2025.

Contact us at

Program details

The exhibitor has full discretion to determine the content and speakers for each manufacturer training session. Exhibitors may offer one- or two-hour sessions.

Please note that there are a limited number of time slots available for manufacturer training. The process of submitting requests for manufacturer training is ongoing, so the sooner you complete your request, the more likely we will be able to accommodate your request.

The maximum number of sessions an exhibitor may submit is fifteen (15).

The manufacturer training sessions are open to all attendees of InfoComm Latin America who have a valid educational pass. Any educational pass allows attendees to attend an unlimited number of training sessions manufacturers.

Note: You must be a contracted InfoComm Latin America 2025 exhibitor to present a manufacturer training session.


Learning levels

Attendees interested in training for manufacturers have different levels of knowledge about the topics presented at InfoComm Latin America. Your topic should be tailored to the target audiences of InfoComm Latin America, including technology managers and end users, as well as designers, integrators and engineers AV / IT.

Speakers should assume a basic knowledge of the industry and stipulate the level of content proposed for the session by indicating one of the levels of knowledge of the topic below:

  • Advanced: suitable for attendees with extensive experience in the subject area covered by the session.
  • Intermediate: suitable for attendees with exposure and some experience in the subject area covered by the session.
  • Beginner: suitable for attendees with little or no prior exposure to the subject area covered by the session.


Room layout

Training for manufacturers will be held in meeting rooms at the WTC. The administration of InfoComm Latin America will provide the following support for training sessions manufacturers at no additional charge:

  • Standard classroom with tables and chairs, head table and podium
  • Standard audiovisual system with LCD projector on front screen, skirted screen, video switcher, digital computer interface, sound mixer and sound system with lavalier microphone
  • Signage indicating the schedule of sessions for each training room
  • Registration/management staff for access control to training rooms
  • Additional tables for product display and literature distribution upon request
  • List of verified attendees after the fair
  • Post-session attendee evaluation survey (administered by InfoComm Latin America)
  • Exhibitors may also hang posters/banners (in accordance with convention center rules) and distribute product information/promotional literature inside the training rooms.
  • InfoComm Latin America management will assist with additional audiovisual equipment, manpower and Internet access upon request; additional charges will apply.